20/09 | Eugenio Maria Fagiani

Sunday, 20th September | 4:00 pm

Born in Bergamo and an international concert organist who perfoms worlwide, from North America to Middle East and the Levant, a special Catholic artist with a unique peacemaking mission! He is not only a virtuoso organist, but also a very talented composer. We are so proud to host our friend Eugenio at the reborn Lewis organ.


01/11 | Jean Guillou

Sunday 1st November | 4.00 pm

Jean Guillou is an institution in the organ world. As a performer he revolutionized the art of organ playing, as an improviser he fascinated whole generations of concert-goers, as a composer he opened the repertoire of the ‘king of instruments’ to areas which had been considered to be unimaginable before.